Why subscribe to Out of Hours?

Out of Hours looks at how to live a more fulfilled and intentional life - through working on our own side projects, out of hours.

Many of us have new ideas all the time, ideas that ‘someone should start’, or ‘should exist in the world’, but many of us don’t think it could be us that start those ideas. It is often our own mental hurdles that hold us back from starting and building something that should exist in the world: Do we have enough time outside work? Will we look stupid? What if this all fails?

In this newsletter, we look at most interesting side project success stories, the psychology behind creativity and the mental models required to build something meaningful, out of hours.

In your inbox, every other Sunday.

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Who writes Out of Hours?

My name is Georgia, and I started Out of Hours a couple of years ago.

I believe that everyone has a great creative project in them, but these ideas are tender and vulnerable and easily abandoned. If you read the wrong thing, or speak to the wrong person, inspiration can wither away. There is a graveyard of beautiful ideas that never saw the light of day.

Oddly, I believe we often hold ourselves back too, through our negative self chatter: self doubt, perfectionism and fear of failure. But it doesn’t need to be this hard. I believe there is a mental framework out there for how to stay the path on early stage projects: how to work on things you believe in, without giving up. I am dedicated to discovering these insights through science, psychology and the tips of those who have been-there-done-that, so more people can create and grow the ideas that mean something to them.

In this newsletter, I share the lessons I’ve learnt personally, the research and the science, and the hard-won life experience of people who have built their own projects and grown them into something much bigger than they ever expected.

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Subscribe to Out of Hours: The Newsletter

We share tips, stories and the latest research on how we can be our happiest selves by working out of hours.


Talking about side projects, psychology and creativity.